Updated RAW Rating Figures, Kelly Kelly Note

Updated RAW Rating Figures, Kelly Kelly Note

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Source: The Pro Wrestling Torch

– Kelly Kelly tweeted the following earlier today: “If you tweet a pic of you with a Maxim magazine with me on the cover i’ll post it on my new website. Add hashtag #kellymaxim so I can see it”

– As noted earlier here on the website, last night’s episode of WWE RAW drew a 3.25 rating for the three hour episode, with a 3.37 rating for the show’s standard two hour timeslot. The 3.37 would have been the highest Raw since May 23rd. The show had a total average of 4.74 million viewers for the three hour period and 4.95 million viewers for the two hour period. The show had 4.31 million viewers in the first hour, five million viewers in the second hour and 4.91 million viewers in the final hour.

The show was the #2 watched show on cable TV behind the Monday Night Football game in both overall viewers and males in the 18 – 34 and 18 – 49 demographics.

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This Week’s RAW Rating + JR At Survivor Series?

This Week’s RAW Rating + JR At Survivor Series?

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– This week’s three-hour RAW did a 3.2 cable rating, with an average of 4.7 million viewers. The show did hours of 2.9, 3.4 and 3.4. As for the normal timeslot of 9-11EST, the show did a 3.4 cable rating. That is way up from last week’s 2.9. That means The Rock drew huge numbers for WWE.

– Jim Ross tweeted today that he will not be at the WWE Survivor Series PPV this Sunday. I’m not booked at Survivor Series @this time. I am booked in Waco to see OU-Baylor Sat. IF I set up sauce stand @ MSG Sunday, wud u come by?, Ross tweeted.

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Grabaciones De WWE SmackDown 18/11/11

Grabaciones De WWE SmackDown 18/11/11

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Grabaciones De WWE Smackdown 18/03/11 15/Mar/2011, 20:57
Cult_Of_Personality 8 93 20/Mar/2011, 14:31
MAX_SHIN-GUN Ir al ?ltimo mensaje del tema Grabaciones De WWE Smackdown 18/02/11 16/Feb/2011, 00:05
Cult_Of_Personality 13 160 19/Feb/2011, 05:33
BioNickle Ir al ?ltimo mensaje del tema Grabaciones De WWE SmackDown 28/10/11 25/Oct/2011, 21:48
Cult_Of_Personality 5 68 31/Oct/2011, 22:25
Jack_Bender Ir al ?ltimo mensaje del tema Grabaciones De WWE SmackDown 21/10/11 16/Oct/2011, 22:31
Cult_Of_Personality 5 163 18/Oct/2011, 15:51
BioNickle Ir al ?ltimo mensaje del tema Grabaciones De WWE SmackDown 16/09/11 13/Sep/2011, 20:05
Cult_Of_Personality 9 165 14/Sep/2011, 15:43
BioNickle Ir al ?ltimo mensaje del tema

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Resultados De WWE RAW "Supershow" 14/11/11

Resultados De WWE RAW "Supershow" 14/11/11

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Resultados De WWE RAW "Supershow" 14/11/11

WWE RAW Supershow:

*Michael Cole se introduce y dice que Jim Ross esta hoy en el TD Garden. Cole dice que Ross aceptará su reto y muestra una serie de dibujos en son de burla hacia Ross. Aparece Jim Ross. Cole dice que tiene tres retos para Ross y si Ross gana, Cole se ira de los comentarios. El primer reto es una competencia de pulso, la cual es ganada por Ross, Cole dice que perdio por la respiración a barbacoa de Ross. Cole dice que el segundo reto es una competencia de baile y que los fans decidirán quien gano. Ambos proceden a bailar en el ring, el público elige a Ross como el ganador. Cole dice que la última prueba es de peso, Cole pesa 200 libras mientras que Ross 239. Cole se declara como ganador y se burla de Jim Ross.

*Aparece CM Punk, Cole le pregunta porque lo interrumpe. Punk dice que su tiempo ya ha terminado. Punk dice que era más que evidente que Cole no le iba a dar una oportunidad de triunfo a Ross y que todo esto ha sido una pérdida de tiempo, excepto al baile, Punk dice que Ross es mejor locutor que Cole. Punk dice que RAW se esta convirtiendo en algo insoportable y que cuando vuelva a ganar el Campeonato de la WWE va a hacer todo lo posible para que RAW sea un gran show. 

*Aparece John Laurinaitis, y dice que sus seguidores en Twitter quieren ver el reto de Michael Cole. Punk dice que no le importa los seguidores de Laurinaitis. Laurinaitis anuncia CM Punk & Big Show vs. Alberto Del Río & Mark Henry y desea suerte a Punk. Cole se burla de Punk, y le dice que se disculpe. Punk sonríe y mira a la cámara, Punk aplica un cabezazo y Anaconda Vice para luego irse.

*Matt Striker esta en Backstage y llega una limusina. Striker dice que es The Rock, pero el que sale de la limusina es MICK FOLEY! Foley dice que no iba a perder el regreso de The Rock, y que esta noche sera una que The Rock o John Cena no olvidarán. Foley dice que es genial estar en Boston y se va a camerinos.

1. Cody Rhodes & Hunico derrotaron a Sin Cara & Kofi Kingston vía Cross Rhodes de Cody sobre Kofi

*En Backtage se ve a The Rock caminando.

*En Backstage Santino Marella esta jugando WWE'12 y enfrentando a The Rock vs. John Cena. Zack Ryder entra y le dice a Santino que pedira su oportunidad titular por el Campeonato de los Estados Unidos. Ambos discuten entre quien ganara entre The Rock & John Cena pero los dos estan de acuerdo en que derrotaran a Awesome Truth en WWE Survivor Series este Domingo.

*Aparece Vickie Guerrero, dice que Christian se lesiono en la reciente gira europea y no podra estar en el Equipo Barrett en Survivor Series. Vickie sigue hablando, Dolph Ziggler interrumpe y dice que reemplazara a Christian.

*Ziggler dice que no sabe porque se llama Equipo Barrett cuando él es el unico con un Campeonato. Dolph dice que se enfrentara a Mason Ryan y asi el Equipo Orton se hara una idea de lo que va a pasar el Domingo.

*John Laurinaitis se encuentra en ringside con Michael Cole. Laurinaitis ordena a que Ross salga de la mesa de comentarios. Ross sale y Cole lo amenaza con demandarlo. Cole se sienta y Ross es nuevamente despedido. Cole dice que hablo también con David Otunga y demando a CM Punk.

2. Mason Ryan derroto a Dolph Ziggler por Descalificación luego de que Vickie Guerrero abofeteara a Ryan

*Después de la lucha Ziggler trata de irse, pero John Morrison llega y lo hace ingresar al ring, Ryan sigue castigando a Ziggler con una Full Nelson.

*En Backstage Mick Foley esta caminando y se encuentra con Zack Ryder. Ryder le dice a Foley que firme su petición por el Campeonato de los Estados Unidos. Foley firma la petición y se dirige al ring.

*Aparece Mick Foley ante una gran ovación. Dice que no hay lugar como el hogar. Dice que esta aquí para hablar de un asunto serio y ese es el equipo que realizarán The Rock & John Cena en WWE Survivor Series, Foley los autoproclama como The Rock 'n' Cena Connection. Foley sigue hablando y llega John Cena.

*Cena es recibido en reacciones mixtas. Cena y Foley hablan del respeto mutuo que se tienen. Ambos siguen hablando de la lucha de Cena & The Rock en Survivor Series, Foley muestra su camiseta que es la mitad de la camiseta de Cena & The Rock, Foley también muestra un vídeo de Cena.

*Foley trae a un entrenador, el tipo trota y abraza a Cena. Cena le dice a Foley que esta aburrido con lo que esta pasando. Foley le dice que el tipo es alguien del pasado de Cena y es Bull Buchanan. Bull dice que Cena fue el mejor compañero que pudo haber tenido en su estancia en WWE. Dice que ahora Cena es posiblemente el mejor luchador de todos los tiempos. Dice que él fue despedido, se divorcio y perdio todo su dinero en un esquema de Ponzi, dice que a su perro le dio rabia y que Cena arruino su carrera para luego marcharse del ring.

*Foley presenta al padre de John Cena. John Cena Sr dice que tiene un mensaje para todos los fans que insultan a su hijo, dice que ellos son unos perdedores. Cena dice que ama a su padre pero que no es el momento adecuado. Le dice a su padre que se vaya a Backstage y que lo vera pronto. Cena dice que esta aquí para que lo aplaudan y lo abucheen, dice que este es uno de los peores segmentos y tiene que terminar. Foley dice que va a arreglar esto ... suena la música de THE ROCK!

*Aparece The Rock ante una gran ovación y castiga a Mick Foley con el Rock Bottom. Cena se ve sorprendido y luego se ríe para después atender a Foley.

*Se anuncia una lucha de capitanes: Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett más tarde en el programa.

3. Sheamus derroto a Jack Swagger vía Brogue Kick

*En Backstage Zack Ryder habla con Las Gemelas Bella para que firmen su petición de su lucha titular, ellas se van porque aparece Alberto Del Río. Del Río les dice a ellas que le encantaría hablar con ellas pero que tiene una reunión con Laurinaitis, Del Río les dice que se divertiran después de que derrote a Punk en Survivor Series. Ryder les dice que pueden celebrar en Long Island.

*Aparece Natalya acompañada por Beth Phoenix. Aparece Kelly Kelly acompañada por Eve Torres & Natalya. Se muestra un vídeo de Kelly Kelly en Maxim.

4. Kelly Kelly derroto a Natalya vía Roll-Up

*Se vuelve a anunciar la aparición de The Rock más tarde en el programa.

*En Backstage John Laurinaitis conversa por celular con Brodus Clay. Laurinaitis le dice que quiere que su debut sea a lo grande y que será eclipsada en el show de hoy ya que esta The Rock, asi que debutará la próxima semana. Alberto Del Río entra y ambos hablan de su lucha ante CM Punk en Survivor Series. Del Río dice que las cosas están mejor con el como Campeón y que sera un Campeón por largo tiempo.

*En Backstage Matt Striker les pregunta varias cosas a Awesome Truth, pero ninguno de ellos decide responder y se dirigen al ring.

*Nos muestran a CM Punk caminando por Backstage cuando de pronto es atacado por Alberto Del Río y nos vamos a comerciales.

5. Alberto Del Río & Mark Henry derrotaron a CM Punk & Big Show luego de que Del Río cubriera a Punk tras un Slam de Henry

*Después de la lucha Del Río aplica Armbar a Punk, hasta que Big Show regresa al ring y Del Río se va corriendo.

*Nos muestran un vídeo de lo ocurrido hace un buen rato con The Rock aplicando Rock Bottom a Mick Foley.

*Aparece Santino Marella, dice que estuvo a punto de ganar La Batalla Real a inicios de año pero que por culpa de Kevin Nash no lo pudo hacer.

*Aparece Kevin Nash, Nash castiga a Santino con un Botazo en la cara, y luego corta una promo diciendo que él esta aquí y HHH no. Nash aplica Jacknife Powerbomb y se va.

*Vemos en Backstage a Randy Orton preparándose para su lucha de capitanes ante Wade Barrett.

6. Randy Orton derroto a Wade Barrett vía Descalificación luego de que Cody Rhodes atacará a Orton

*Ambos salieron acompañados por el resto de sus equipos: Team Barrett (Wade, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Hunico & Jack Swagger) Team Orton (Randy, Sin Cara, Kofi Kingston, Sheamus & Mason Ryan).

*Los técnicos comandados por Randy Orton quedan de pie en el ring mientras que los rudos se quedan mirándolos.

*Muestran nuevamente otro vídeo del ataque de The Rock a Mick Foley con el Rock Bottom.

*Aparece The Rock ante otra gran ovación y posa para los fans. Dice que su día empezo a las 3AM y no podía esperar decir que esta de regreso en Boston. Habla de Survivor Series diciendo que eso sera en 6 días y no ahora. The Rock dice que castigo a Foley, ya que no pudo soportar la basura que Foley estaba dando a los fanaticos. Habla sobre la influencia que tiene en Twitter.  Dice que no esperará 6 días para patear culos ya que sera asombroso que lo haga hoy mismo, y asi lo va a hacer. Suena el tema de Awesome Truth.

*Aparecen Awesome Truth, R-Truth le dice que es el hombre más delirante del entretenimiento. Truth dice también que cada que ellos salen en RAW, el programa es Asombroso. The Miz dice que no le importa nada de The Rock ya que lo unico que le importa es darle una paliza ahora mismo. R-Truth dice que pueden hacerlo ahora mismo pero The Miz lo detiene y The Rock se mantiene firme. The Miz dice que nada de eso va a pasar ahora y que no le importa lo que The Rock o los fans quieren, ya que se trata de lo que ellos quieren y eso es hacer historia en Survivor Series. Suena el tema de John Cena.

*Aparece John Cena, Cena se disculpa por la actitud de The Rock ya que dice que lo unico que él ha hecho es mostrar mensajes por satélite. The Rock se disculpa por Cena ya que dice que no esta acostumbrado a estar con alguien que esta en su pubertad. The Rock & Cena siguen diciendose de todo. The Miz dice que esta asqueado de oir todo esto. The Rock & Cena atacan a Awesome Truth, Rock Bottom a R-Truth y ahora a The Miz cuando Cena se disponía para el Ajuste de Actitud. The Rock & Cena se miran fijamente, The Rock se marcha del ring sonriendo.

Fin del Show

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John Cena To Appear On ESPN + Maria’s Return

John Cena To Appear On ESPN + Maria’s Return

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– The official Twitter feed of ESPN’s College Gameday announced Tuesday that John Cena, a Division III All-American center at Springfield College, will be the celebrity guest picker for this Saturday’s show at University of Houston.

– Speaking of John Cena, he is featured on the cover of the latest issue of The Wrestler.

– Maria Kanellis announced during last night’s AfterBuzzTV broadcast for Monday Night RAW that she will be returning to the squared circle on February 25, 2012 for New York City based promotion Family Wrestling Entertainment.

It will be her first match in two years and outside of WWE—she last competed at the February 23, 2010 WWE Superstars taping. She was released from her contract with WWE three days after the event and recently resurfaced on the wrestling scene to support her boyfriend, Ring of Honor talent Mike Bennett, at independent shows. She stated last Tuesday on Facebook that she had resumed wrestling training.

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DG:USA & ROH News: i-PPV Buyrates, Cards, More

DG:USA & ROH News: i-PPV Buyrates, Cards, More

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Source: Pwinsider

– Dragon Gate USA was reportedly very happy with their events this weekend, both in terms of the shows and the iPPV stream. There was only one problem between all three shows, which happened when someone accidentally tripped over a wire and unplugged their server. The company covered quickly by having Sami Callihan cut a promo to kill time until the power came back.

– The company has hinted an announcement is coming on Black Friday that has to do with the direction and future of the company.

– Brodie Lee has signed a new contract with Dragon Gate.

– Uhaa Nation, who wrestled during the shows, will be touring Dragon Gate and went back to Japan after the weekend.

– Below is the latest lineup for Ring of Honor’s Glory by Honor X which will go down this Saturday in Chicago Ridge, Illinios:

ROH World Title: Davey Richards vs. El Generico
ROH Tag Team Titles: Shelton Benajmin & Charlie Haas vs. The All Night Express
Proving Ground Match: ROH TV Champion Jay Lethal vs. Roderick Strong
Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. The Young Bucks
Eddie Edwards vs. Kyle O’Reilly
Michael Elgin vs. Adam Cole vs. Michael Elgin vs. Grizzly Redwood

Jimmy Jacobs, Steve Corino?, Tommaso Ciampa & The Embassy are all scheduled to appear as well.

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Mick Foley Only Wanted A Hug From The Rock

Mick Foley Only Wanted A Hug From The Rock

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– The @WWEInsider Twitter account tweeted that Mick Foley was interviewed by WWE.com following RAW last night: “Just interviewed @RealMickFoley about what went wrong tonight…to summarize: ‘you win some you lose some.”

– Mick Foley tweeted the following earlier this afternoon: “Why did (The Rock) layeth the smacketh down on my candy ass? I just wanted a hug. I bet he’s feeling quite a bit of remorse right now.”

– THQ announced that Mick Foley will be a downloadable character in the upcoming WWE ’12 video game. You can check out the trailer below:

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Maria Update, Hogan Praises The Rock, Kurt Angle Talks MMA, Upcoming DVD Releases

Maria Update, Hogan Praises The Rock, Kurt Angle Talks MMA, Upcoming DVD Releases

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- In an update from the earlier report, former WWE Diva Maria’s return to the ring will be for New York City based promotion Family Wrestling Entertainment on February 25, 2012. That will mark 2 years since her last match on WWE Superstars.

- TNA’s Hulk Hogan praised the The Rock following Raw last night. He wrote on Twitter:
“The ROCK looked jacked, in perfect shape, dieted down and in the zone! He looks better than any wrestler/actor I’ve ever seen! total respect HH”

- Kurt Angle continued the back and forth with UFC President Dana White during an interview with PW247radio.com. This is currently Kurt’s side of the story:

“I’ve had a lot of talks with Dana White. While he’s denied the offers, Dana and I respect each other enough for us not to say exactly what was offered. The thing was, he wanted me to be ready in a short time and I couldn’t do that. I wanted months, he wanted weeks. We’re good friends and I hope he has great success. But you know what, he’s said some negative things about me in the press. I still love him to death. I did pass his physical, meaning I was ready for competition, but he wanted me to be ready in four to six weeks and I couldn’t do that. It’s impossible. There’s also the fact that I’m signed with TNA and Dana didn’t want anyone fighting for him and wrestling at the same time. So Dana White, God bless you. Whatever you say, I’ll respect that because I know you wanted me to fight for you and wanted me to be your guy.”

- Here is a list of upcoming WWE and TNA DVD releases:

11/22: WWE: Vengeance 2011 (DVD)
11/22: TNA: Hardcore Justice & No Surrender 2011 – Twin Pack (DVD)
11/29: WWE: Stone Cold Steve Austin (DVD)
11/29: WWE: Stone Cold Steve Austin (Blu-Ray)

12/13: WWE: The Best of King of the Ring (DVD)
12/13: WWE: The Best of King of the Ring (Blu-Ray)
12/20: WWE: Survivor Series 2011 (DVD)
12/27: WWE: The Best Pay-Per-View Matches 2011 (DVD)
12/27: WWE: The Best Pay-Per-View Matches 2011 (Blu-Ray)

01/17: WWE: TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs 2011 (DVD)
01/17: TNA: Bound for Glory 2011 (DVD)
01/31: WWE: The Best of Raw & SmackDown 2011 (DVD)
01/31: WWE: The Best of Raw & SmackDown 2011 (Blu-Ray)

02/21: WWE: The Rock (DVD)
02/21: WWE: The Rock (Blu-Ray)
02/21: WWE: Royal Rumble 2012 (DVD)
02/21: TNA: Turning Point 2011 & Final Resolution 2011 Twin Pack
02/28: WWE: Royal Rumble 2012 (Blu-Ray)

Source: wrestlingtruth.com

Jeff Hardy Speaks (Video), iMPACT! Tapings Tonight, More

Jeff Hardy Speaks (Video), iMPACT! Tapings Tonight, More

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Partial Source: Pwinsider

– TNA will be splitting their crew up this weekend as they have live events in Mississippi and international events in Chile and Argentina. Bobby Roode, Abyss, Kurt Angle, Velvet Sky, Abyss, Crimson, Samoa Joe and AJ Styles are advertised for the international tour. As noted earlier, Jeff Hardy vs. Gunner, with Ric Flair in his corner, will be the main events of this coming weekend’s TNA live events in Mississippi. Other matches announced include Winter vs. Mickie James, Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick, Ink Inc. vs. Mexican America, Mr. Anderson vs. Daniels, Kazarian vs. The Pope and Devon vs. Robbie E.

– TNA star Robbie E recently filmed a commercial for SpikeTV’s Videogame Awards.

– The “Mr. PEC-Tacular Arm & Chest Workout DVD” featuring TNA star Jesse Godderz has topped 50,000 sales.

– TNA has another set of iMPACT! tapings tonight in Orlando, FL. We’ll have spoilers later tonight.

– Here is a video of Jeff Hardy talking action figures, TNA and more:

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Grabaciones De TNA iMPACT Wrestling 17/11/11

Grabaciones De TNA iMPACT Wrestling 17/11/11

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Grabaciones De TNA iMPACT Wrestling 17/11/11

*Aparece Bobby Roode y habla de como Fortune era con él. Aparece James Storm y se dirige al ring acompañado por la seguridad. Aparece AJ Styles de la multitud y se golpea con Roode, la seguridad interviene pero no pueden con ellos. Styles toma el microfono y dice que él y Bobby Roode se calmaran. Aparece Sting y anuncia que el Main Event en TNA Final Resolution será: Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles por el Campeonato Mundial Pesado en un Iron Man Match de 30 minutos.

*Roode se marcha pero conecta a Dixie Carter. Nuevamente Roode y Styles se agarran a golpes hasta que la seguridad y los agentes los vuelven a separar y se llevan a Roode por haber herido a Dixie Carter.

1. Robbie E derroto a Devon vía Schoolboy para retener el Campeonato de la Television

*En Backstage se encuentran Samoa Joe y James Storm, Joe le dice a Storm que no fue él quien lo ataco la semana pasada, al final ambos terminan golpeandose.

2. Jesse Sorensen & Brian Kendrick derrotaron a Austin Aries & Kid Kash luego de que Sorensen aplicará el Rolling Cutter sobre Kash

*Durante el transcurso de la lucha Austin Aries dejo luchando solo a Kash y Kash fallo un Moonsault permitiendo que Sorensen aplicará su movida final.

*En Backstage Sting conversa con Garrett Bischoff sobre su lucha ante Gunner la semana pasada. Aparecen Crimson & Matt Morgan hablando de su lucha en Turning Point. Sting habla de la Division en Parejas con la ausencia de MCMG y la separación de Team 3D. Dice que Mexican America han amenazado con irse ya que no tienen competencia. Dice que es una buena idea que Crimson & Morgan hagan equipo y luego de que se pongan de acuerdo tendran una lucha por los Campeonatos en Pareja esta noche.

3. Mickie James gano un Gauntlet Match de 10 Knockouts para obtener una oportunidad titular, Mickie vencio a Madison Rayne con un Roll-Up

Las eliminaciones fueron:

Velvet Sky derroto a Rosita vía Facebuster

Velvet Sky derroto a Brooke Tessmacher vía pinfall

Angelina Love derroto a Velvet Sky vía Roll-Up

Mickie James derroto a Angelina Love vía Reverse Roundhouse Kick

Mickie James derroto a Sarita vía Jumping DDT

Mickie James derroto a Tara vía Jumping DDT

Mickie James derroto a Winter vía Reverse Roundhouse Kick

Mickie James derroto a ODB vía Lou Thesz Press (tras perder ODB noqueo a Mickie James)

Mickie James derroto a Madison Rayne con un Roll-Up luego de que Madison se confiara ante Mickie

*En el ring están Karen Jarrett & Jeff Hardy, Karen trata de hacer que Jeff pierda la tranquilidad. Karen se disponía a darle una bofetada pero Hardy la bloquea. Jeff Jarrett aparece entre la multitud y Hardy lo ve venir, Karen buscaba un golpe bajo pero Hardy lo evita y se va.

4. Crimson & Matt Morgan derrotaron a Mexican America vía Exploder Suplex & Carbon Footprint para ganar los Campeonatos en Parejas

5. Garrett Bischoff derroto a Gunner vía DDT

*Aparece James Storm y dice que quiere saber quien fue el que lo ataco salvajemente la semana pasada. Llama a AJ Styles. Storm dice que no sabe como Styles obtuvo no una sino dos oportunidades por el Campeonato Mundial Pesado tan pronto el fue sacado del panorama. AJ dice que le ofiende en que Storm sospeche en él. Ambos se golpean, hasta que aparece Kazarian para separarlos. Kazarian se lleva a AJ fuera del ring, y AJ esta furioso. Storm se va del ring, sale Kurt Angle debajo del ring y ataca a Storm cerca a la rampa de entrada, Angle hace regresar a Storm al ring y lo castiga con el Angle Slam. Angle se revela como el atacante misterioso de James Storm.

Fin del Show

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TNA Turning Point Main Event Recap, Hardy/Gunner

TNA Turning Point Main Event Recap, Hardy/Gunner

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– Jeff Hardy vs. Gunner, with Ric Flair in his corner, will be the main events of this coming weekend’s TNA live events in Mississippi. Other matches announced include Winter vs. Mickie James, Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick, Ink Inc. vs. Mexican America, Mr. Anderson vs. Daniels, Kazarian vs. The Pope and Devon vs. Robbie E. The rest of the TNA crew will be in South America for a tour.

– Stan sent word that Sunday’s TNA Turning Point pay-per-view had 1 hour and 36 minutes of in-ring action, about the same as the previous pay-per-view.

– Here is a TNA Turning Point main event recap video:

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Christian’s Injury, Henry Godwin Improves, Billy Graham Out of Hospital, CM Punk DVD

Christian’s Injury, Henry Godwin Improves, Billy Graham Out of Hospital, CM Punk DVD

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- The official diagnosis of Christian’s injury is a severe high ankle sprain, that will require at least a week or two off. This means he has been pulled from the Survivor Series PPV, where he was scheduled for the “Team Orton vs. Team Barrett” match.

- Former WWE star Mark “Henry Godwin” Canterbury is stable and has made a slight improvement following a car crash last week. He suffered two punctured lungs, thirteen broken ribs and a broken leg.

The incident happened in Lindside, West Virginia when his car came off a cliff.

- WWE Hall of Famer “Superstar” Billy Graham is now out of hospital after fighting a bout of pneumonia for several days. He is still on strong antibiotics.

- WWE are currently working on a CM Punk DVD set, scheduled for first quarter 2012 release. It will be the usual format with a documentary and series of memorable matches.

Source: wrestlingtruth.com

November 14, 2011, WWE Raw Results

November 14, 2011, WWE Raw Results

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From WWE.com

Quick Results:

- Jim Ross failed “The Michael Cole Challenge”
- IC Cody Rhodes & Hunico def. WWE Tag Team Champion Kofi Kingston & Sin Cara
- Mason Ryan def. U.S. Champion Dolph Ziggler by Disqualification
- Sheamus def. Jack Swagger
- Kelly Kelly def. Natalya
- WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio & World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry def. CM Punk & Big Show
- Randy Orton def. Wade Barrett by Disqualification

- Jim Ross failed The Michael Cole Challenge:
Is anyone in the WWE Universe surprised that The Michael Cole Challenge was a sham? After weeks of threats, the sniveling announcer finally subjected J.R. to three tests for the opportunity to take over his announcing position. First, the Sooner beat Cole in an arm wrestling match. Then, J.R. schooled him in a dance competition. But the WWE Hall of Famer couldn’t pass the final challenge — a comparison to see who weighed less.

Cole may have been entertained by his swerve, but he was the only one. Outraged by what he described as a colossal waste of time, CM Punk stormed the ring and vowed to make Raw interesting again. Of course, he was quickly interrupted by Interim Raw General Manager John Laurinaitis who announced a huge bout for tonight — CM Punk & Big Show vs. WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio & World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry.

Unimpressed by the GM’s declaration, The “Voice of the Voiceless” immediately went about making Monday night more entertaining by locking Cole in a brutal Anaconda Vise.

- Mick Foley arrived at the arena:
As Michael Cole writhed on a trainer’s table somewhere in the arena, WWE Raw SuperShow received an unexpected guest — Mick Foley. Arriving in a limousine, the former WWE Champion revealed that he spared no expense to show The Rock and John Cena a night they will never forget.

- Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes & Hunico def. WWE Tag Team Champion Kofi Kingston & Sin Cara:
Beaten and unmasked by Randy Orton on SmackDown, Cody Rhodes showed the WWE Universe his face — and an even nastier attitude. Claiming that The Viper actually emancipated him by taking his mask, the twisted Superstar brutalized two of the competitors he will face at Survivor Series before pinning Kofi Kingston.

- Mason Ryan def. U.S. Champion Dolph Ziggler by Disqualification:
After WWE.com announced that Christian pulled out of Team Barrett at Survivor Series due to an injury, Vickie Guerrero revealed that Dolph Ziggler will be taking the sketchy Superstar’s place on the squad. Apparently, the United States Champion was trying to stay in one piece for Sunday night as Vickie interfered early in the match by slapping Mason Ryan across the face. But before the cocky competitor could get out of the arena, he was tossed back in the ring by John Morrison and driven into the mat by the massive Welshman.

- Mick Foley presented “John Cena, This is Your Life!”:
In an attempt to unite John Cena and The Rock before their big Survivor Series bout, Mick Foley presented a candid look at the Cenation’s leader’s extraordinary life. Hearkening back to a moment Foley shared with The Brahma Bull on Raw more than 12 years ago, the former WWE Champion introduced Cena’s little league coach, father and former tag partner, Bull Buchanan, to the ring.

Unfortunately, things did not go as The Hardcore Legend planned. First, the coach embarrassed Cena when he brought up a traumatizing childhood strikeout, then B-2 claimed that his former partner ruined his life and finally Cena’s dad chastised the WWE fans who boo his son.

Before things could get worse, The Rock hit the ring and delivered a devastating Rock Bottom to Mick Foley, saving his Survivor Series partner from any further embarrassment.

- Sheamus def. Jack Swagger:
Before they clash on opposing teams at Survivor Series, Sheamus and Jack Swagger battled one-on-one with the powerful Celtic Warrior claiming victory.

- Kelly Kelly def. Natalya:
Following the announcement that Eve will face Divas Champion Beth Phoenix for the title this Sunday at Survivor Series, the beautiful challenger’s best friend and current Maxim covergirl Kelly Kelly proved that she was more than just a pretty face by beating the smug Natalya.

- WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio & World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry def. CM Punk & Big Show:
Before teaming with Big Show in an exciting preview of Sunday’s two World Title bouts, CM Punk was ambushed in the locker room by the vicious Alberto Del Rio and stomped into the ground. (WATCH) Bravely, The Straight Edge Superstar still made it out for his match, but he couldn’t stop The Mexican Aristocrat in his weakened state and was pinned by the WWE Champion. After the bell, Del Rio continued his assault, punishing Punk with the cross armbreaker.

- Kevin Nash attacked Santino Marella:
Proving he’s one of the most dangerous Superstars on the roster, Kevin Nash interrupted Santino Marella and powerbombed the Italian Superstar, nearly driving his body through the canvas. The big man then took a moment to gloat, saying that he’s here tonight while Triple H is sitting at home.

- Randy Orton def. Wade Barrett by Disqualification:
Coming off a huge victory over Randy Orton on SmackDown, Wade Barrett locked up with The Viper again tonight, but a clear winner could not be decided. Six days before they captain opposing teams at Survivor Series, The Viper and the British competitor saw their bout turn into bedlam as the members of their teams stormed the ring and started an all-out brawl. The ring may not be able to contain these 10 competitors on Sunday.

- The Rock & John Cena faced off with The Miz & R-Truth:
There’s a reason he’s known as The Most Electrifying Man in Entertainment. For the better part of 20 minutes, The Rock enthralled a sold-out crowd in Boston’s TD Garden with little more than a microphone. Calling out his Survivor Series opponents, The Miz & R-Truth, The Brahma Bull was soon joined in the ring by John Cena.

Although they stood together against The “Awesome Truth,” the WrestleMania opponents couldn’t help but take a few shots at each other. But when things got physical, the Cenation leader and The People’s Champion were on the same page as they put the boots to their arrogant opponents.

It was a definite sign that on Sunday, Cena and The Rock may be able to work together.

Source: wrestlingtruth.com

Spoiler De Las Grabaciones De iMPACT

Spoiler De Las Grabaciones De iMPACT

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(MAJOR SPOILER) Grabaciones de Impact para 4/30/09 22/Abr/2009, 23:59
Darkerasasin 9 56 23/Abr/2009, 10:50
J.F.Beck Ir al ?ltimo mensaje del tema Grabaciones de iMPACT (8-Sept.-11) 26/Ago/2011, 16:10
Le_Don 1 23 27/Ago/2011, 10:33
Tyler_The_Creator12 Ir al ?ltimo mensaje del tema Grabaciones de iMPACT (1-Sept.-11) 26/Ago/2011, 16:07
Le_Don 0 11 No hay respuestas Grabaciones De iMPACT Wrestling 09/06/11 31/May/2011, 23:28
Cult_Of_Personality 1 27 31/May/2011, 23:40
Man-Bat Ir al ?ltimo mensaje del tema Notas De Las Grabaciones De iMPACT 17/03/11 14/Mar/2011, 18:53
Cult_Of_Personality 2 22 15/Mar/2011, 18:58
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RIP Eddie

RIP Eddie

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WWE champion

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Hoy hace 6 años se fue una leyenda,hoy todos lo recordamos


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Undisputed Champion
Undisputed Champion

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Look Who Is Back

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Batista Remembers Guerrero, Killer Karl Kox Tribute, Perry Saturn Update, Kelly Is Dating?

Batista Remembers Guerrero, Killer Karl Kox Tribute, Perry Saturn Update, Kelly Is Dating?

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- Former WWE star Batista has posted up a blog remembering Eddie Guerrero, who passed away just over 6 years ago from acute heart failure due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease, brought on by previous years of drug abuse. Batista wrote:

“Got a text from my homie @sonnyblowdro when I woke up asking me if I was ok, I assumed he was referring to Manny’s fight last night. I automatically got defensive!! Styles make fights! Manny always has trouble with Marquez!! He still won!! Then when he said he wasn’t asking because of Manny I quickly realized that today was Nov.13th….the day Eddie Guerrero was taken from us 6 years ago.

“So I’m in beautiful Tampa, Florida and the sun is shining and weather is perfect but somehow this is a depressing ass day..and I know it is for alot of other people as well. I think what bothers me most is that I never really got that chance to tell Eddie what a huge impact he made on my life and my career. Honestly, even if I had the chance to tell him, it still wouldn’t have made it any easier because the fact is that I loved the hell out of Eddie and it just plain sucks that he’s not here anymore!

“As plain as day I can still hear Angie scream and then look at me and say “i just got a message from Dr.Rios…..Eddie’s dead”. I wish I could erase that from my memory. I haven’t found closure on this. I don’t think I ever will. I know alot of people won’t. It bugs the shit out of me that there’s millions of young wrestling fans who won’t get to see how brilliant Eddie was in the ring. He’s the only guy I know who could have you in tears laughing and then make you want to rip his head off within minutes. What I personally loved most about Eddie was that he didn’t define people by their mistakes. he made alot and he never forgot that. He didn’t pass judgement…which is so common in the HOLIER THAN THOU world of the WWE.

“Eddie was also the slowest walking human being alive…which always amused the hell out of me for some reason. I don’t know how he ever got anywhere!! I could go on and on but I’ll end it by saying this. Eddie..I miss you, I love you, and you are gone but never forgotten. RIP my brother.”

- WWE have posted up a tribute to the legendary Killer Karl Kox, who passed away following a heart attack on Thursday. It’s a match between Kox and Rocky Johnson for the NWA Brass Knuckles Championship:

- A new article about former wrestling star Perry Saturn has appeared in the The Albert Lea Tribune. Since he resurfaced last year he’s slowly been working his way back in to the business.

“I’m very lucky to be a wrestler to begin with, and I screwed it up because of drugs. I’m going to make sure that if I do get a second chance, I’m going to make the most of it. I’m not going to waste it,”" he said.

“I screwed up really bad on drugs the last few years of my time in WWF, and I continued to tailspin out of control,” he said. Saturn said his drug use was the reason he didn’t immediately return to wrestling after rehabilitating his torn knee ligament.

“By then I was really bad on Nubain,” Saturn said. “One time when I was still working for the WWF, but at home with my knee surgery, they were in Atlanta. It was where I lived at the time, so you go down to the building and see everybody.

“I made it to my car, did so much Nubain that I passed out, and didn’t wake up until the show was over. I never even made it down to the arena.”

He was at the AWE pay per-view on 10/13 and wants to keep that going. Saturn, who has been drug-free for more than three years, was victorious after a sunset flip put his opponent, C.W. Anderson, on his back for the 1-2-3.

“He is a very good wrestler,” Saturn said. “It went very smooth. C.W. Anderson was great to work with.”

He has talked to guys like Dean Malinko, Triple-H, Raven and DDP for advice on how to get back into the business.

“DDP is doing far and beyond something that I expected to help me,” Saturn said. “We’re like a fraternity. Everybody is helping each other out.”

- WWE Diva Kelly Kelly is currently dating Hockey’s Dallas Stars defenseman Sheldon Souray.

Source: wrestlingtruth.com

WBC Intense Rage (14/11/11) : Post-Eternal Nightmare (CEO vs Revengers)

WBC Intense Rage (14/11/11) : Post-Eternal Nightmare (CEO vs Revengers)

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The Silver Wrestling Report:  October 30-November 5

The Silver Wrestling Report: October 30-November 5

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A week removed from Vengeance, one week away from Turning Point.  Aside from the Muppets taking over the Raw Supershow, it was a pretty average week for the WWE as they build to the final PPV of the Big Four, WWE Survivor Series 2011.

It has been a nice breather from how exhausting October was.  It seemed like there was a PPV almost every week or so.  It was also an average week for TNA that was surprisingly not as bad as the last two weeks have been.  It was not anywhere close to good, but at least it was passable.

So without further ado let us take a look at the biggest new in the professional wrestling this week.

 The Muppets WWE Raw The Silver Wrestling Report: October 30 November 5

Monday Night Muppets

Last week’s Raw took place on Halloween and had the Muppets take over as special guests in order to promote their new movie that comes out later this month.  All-in-all, this writer felt it was an entertaining night.  The wrestling was good at best and the promos, which mostly involved various Muppets, were hit or miss.

The mass wrestling community will either love or hate this episode and it will depend on how if you enjoy watching the Muppets.  You have to say, the Beaker and Sheamus moment was amazing.  Ever since Edge compared Sheamus to Beaker on the 900th episode of Raw, wrestling fans have been waiting for the opportunity to see Beaker and Sheamus in the same segment and WWE gave us what we wanted.

Personally, I felt that the wrestler’s involved in these segments with the Muppets were having a lot of fun and it showed on Raw especially Jack Swagger.  It looked like he had a lot of fun working with Kermit the Frog and Gonzo.

For one night only, it did not hurt WWE and it might have given them some mainstream exposure, which is always good for the company.  The WWE has had their fun, now they have to get a little more serious as we move ever-so closer to Survivor Series.

John Cena Raw 300x167 The Silver Wrestling Report: October 30 November 5

Awesome Truth Meet Super Cena

At the beginning of Raw, a video of the Rock’s response to John Cena’s invitation to tag with him at Survivor Series was shown.  After teasing that he may not accept, the People’s Champ ultimately said he will team with John Cena at Survivor Series to face Awesome Truth.

To further build this match, the Miz vs. John Cena was booked for the main event of Raw.  The match was promoted as a WrestleMania Rematch since Raw was in Atlanta for Raw.  The main event was a pretty good match.  It was better than their match at WrestleMania, but still was not that great.

The main thing this writer wants to talk about is the ending of this match that saw Cena fight off a disguised R-Truth before locking in the STF on the Miz to get the submission victory.  Immediately following the match, R-Truth jumps into the ring to attack Cena, but gets caught in an Attitude Adjustment from Super Cena.

In the matter of one minute, John Cena made the Miz and R-Truth look completely inferior to him and devalued his match at Survivor Series.  Why does John Cena need the Rock to help him fight the Miz and R-Truth when he can beat them by himself?

WWE really needs to make Awesome Truth look like legitimate threats to John Cena and the Rock or they could be in another situation like the burial of Alberto Del Rio back at Night of Champions.

 bobby rhoode tna world champion The Silver Wrestling Report: October 30 November 5

It Doesn’t Pay to be Roode

We are only two weeks removed from James Strom capturing the TNA World Title from Kurt Angle.  On last Thursday’s Impact Wrestling saw Strom’s first title defense against Beer Money tag team partner and good friend, Bobby Roode.  A ref bump and a beer bottle shot later, James Strom’s reign as TNA World Heavyweight Champion was over and replaced a newly turned heel Bobby Roode.

The match itself was pretty good, but the ending was absolutely horrible and ruined the whole match in my opinion.  A heel turn does not just happen for no reason.  There should be hints dropped before the turn eventually happens.

With Roode’s heel turn, TNA did nothing to hint at that he would turn on Strom.  All TNA had to do was have a backstage segment where Roode and Strom are talking and Roode starts starring at the title or have Roode show some jealousy towards Strom for winning the title instead of him.  At this point in time, this whole angle feels rushed from the company that likes to plan their storylines months in advance.

It also feels like there was a lot of backlash over Bobby Roode not winning the TNA World Title at Bound for Glory by fans and the locker room that TNA and mainly Hulk Hogan were trying to cover their asses.

If TNA really planned for the long term, they would have had this angle take place over the next five months leading up to their Lockdown PPV next April with Roode eventually winning the title and turning heel down the road.

We will most likely get an explanation why Roode turned heel on this week’s Impact Wrestling, but that will not be enough to convince this writer.  If handled with care and given time, a Bobby Roode vs. James Strom feud could be the best thing TNA will ever have going for them.  By rushing things, TNA could have severely hurt the potential of this feud.

 daniel bryan mark henry 300x189 The Silver Wrestling Report: October 30 November 5

Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry, Possible WrestleMania Main Event

We got another entertaining night of television this past Friday on Smackdown.  There was a great Street Fight between Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton to kick off the show, which you should all take time to watch.  What this writer wants to talk about was the main event between World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry and Smackdown Money in the Bank winner Daniel Bryan.

If Mark Henry can hold onto the World Title until WrestleMania, this match could be one of the main events on the Grandest Stage of Them All and we got a preview on Smackdown.  It was your classic David vs. Goliath match where Henry dominated Bryan for the majority of the contest.

Bryan would get in a flurry of moves in on the World Heavyweight Champion, which looked amazing, but to no avail.  Henry would eventually get Bryan back into a corner where he started destroying him with splashes.  The match would come to an end when Big Show, who accompanied Daniel Bryan to ringside, jumped into the ring a hit Henry with his WMD punch.

Even though the match ended in disqualification, it was a great preview of what may and hopefully will come at WrestleMania 28.  For Daniel Bryan to be the superstar to defeat the ever dominate Mark Henry on the Biggest PPV of the Year would catapult the American Dragon to the high heights of the main event scene.

The Sliver Wrestling Report By: AJ Silver

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