New Jack 'Evil' sell x-rated Terri Runnels pics

18:10 Publicado por Mario Galarza

WWE news and wrestling news - - wrestlingHome of WZR TwitterFacebook WZRWZR YouTubecolumns archive media centre Headlines ArchiveStaffPrivacy policy Home sell new Jack 'Evil' x-rated Terri Runnels PicsLast updated on Sunday, 17 July, 2011Written by Ryan ClarkSunday, July 17 2011

New Jack evening during the debut issue of "late night with Iron Sheik." treated his allegations regarding former partner Terri Runnels today

The former ECW star allegedly many members after their recent break-up that Runnels knowingly spread a sexually transmitted disease in the wrestling industry. He claims in a subsequent online post, that it is bi-polar, an alcoholic addicted prescription painkillers and her Florida residence faces foreclosure.

New Jack Runnels embarrassed to bring, as he posted disturbing images on his Facebook account 44-year-old sans make-up with blood runs her face. He is also the pictures of the former WWE Diva sells interest in a sexual act by his Inbox.

"I have bad images for sale and Me…they are Nasty…holla to me, trust" New Jack wrote a status update. "You can * take out the hood but u can not the hood out of *." "Holla at me in my Inbox!"

New Jack said last Thursday in his malicious diatribe of Runnels, that he underwent STD test due to his belief that he may have commissioned a sexually transmitted disease from the former hardcore champion. Since then, he has announced that the test results came back negative.

Runnels posted the following note on Facebook about the turbulent torture: "Prayers for Dakota and my mother as they are put through hell." I sincerely thank you all for the support. "God bless us All…yes, even those who hurt us."

It is also biblical passages in response to questions about new Jack quote.

For those who haven't, what new Jack over the weekend said, is the post in its entirety below:


Says in response to Terri Runnels and the garbage

1. I went Terri, because it is a bi-polar alcoholics, who every morning at 5: 30 gets to a very stiff vodka and Cranberry…... EVERY MORNING!

2. is addicted to PERCS, BAD!

(3) it is very large liar, and Terri Runnels, you (the world), is quite different from that I had to deal with. Not this sweet innocent girls who claims it to be.

4. your House is in foreclosure (public record) and there for 2 years and she thought I was gonna be their Savior.

5. She wants no man. She want a Butler or drivers.

6. She had an online party brought her daughter for Christmas without him to check out. (WHICH IS KIND OF PARENT ELEMENTS, THE)

.. BUT is a THE MAIN reasons that I found out (the hard way), that she had HERPES since she was 18 and had unprotected SEX hide people WHILE HAVING no problems. I WAIT ON MY TEST RESULTS...(CURRENT MOTORWAY)

YOU trust me, the DIES much bigger than the INTERNET!


Are interested in that, you can here the former couple at a better time to see.

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