The Real Reason For A Big WrestleMania Match Change

17:34 Publicado por Mario Galarza


WWE's creative team plugged Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov into the Eight Man Tag Team Match with The Corre at Wrestlemania XXVII after it was decided that Christian would be in Edge's corner when "The Rated-R Superstar" defends the World Heavyweight Championship against Alberto Del Rio. Christian and Kofi Kingston were originally pegged for the match.

It also said that Marella had "earned a spot on the card" based on his tenure with WWE. Management reportedly feels he "hits a home run" with whatever he is told to do on television and since he hadn't yet worked a WrestleMania match (WrestleMania XXV notwithstanding), he was to be rewarded.

In regards to Kingston not being currently slotted for a match at the event, there has been talk in the last day of him facing Drew McIntyre. We'll keep you posted as we get more.


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