Matt Hardy Denies Being Involved In Altercation With "Tough Enough" Cast

14:30 Publicado por Mario Galarza

It was reported earlier that an altercation took place late Sunday night at a sports bar between members of the Tough Enough cast and TNA Wrestling performer Matt Hardy.

The incident occurred at the Marriott Marquis hotel in Atlanta, where WWE held the reality show contestants and consumers who purchased WrestleMania XXVII travel packages.

Many of the cast members were watching WrestleMania at the hotel's sports bar and warmly greeting fans. Michelle Deighton, in particular, was giving fans chops. Hardy and girlfriend Reby Sky, who were in town for the Dragon Gate USA Show, appeared at the bar (after being denied access to the WrestleMania after-party) and reportedly engaged in an argument with the Tough Enough members at 3:00 a.m., causing a scene in front of fans.

Shortly after the story broke out, Matt Hardy posted several messages on his Twitter account poking fun at Wrestling Observer editor Dave Meltzer, as the story was attributed to his website. He jokingly wrote, "Well, since it's out- Yeah, @RebySky & myself beat up the entire Tough Enough crew after her DGUSA show-Reby beat up 4 girls, I beat 9 guys!"

He later clarified his remarks, writing, "Just so everyone knows, the silly story we've been joking about 2day was created by a dirtsheet, not by Reby or I. Solid reporting there WO."

Sky clarified the situation as well, adding, "The dirtsheets were writing that me & Matt had gotten into a "serious altercation" w/the Tough Enough cast on WrestleMania weekend, which was so ridiculously erroneous that we made a sarcastic comment about "taking down" the entire cast. SARCASTIC. As in ha-ha-making-a-funny-because-the-dirtsheets-are-crazy-get-a-fking-sense-of-humor.

"For the record, Matt & I had a wonderful weekend - He came down to support me at @DragonGateUSA & we were nowhere near the TE cast."

Shortly after the incident took place, Hardy wrote on his Twitter account, "Well, it's official..Me & @RebySky are muthaf*ckin Banditos..I always liked the Hilton better anyway."

Sky wrote, "Banned for life. It was worth it." She then added, "We're headed back to North Carolina - Goodbye Georgia, your crazy fans, your crazy cops & your even crazier hotel security personnel."

When asked on Formspring what she and Hardy were banned from, Sky stated they were "banned for life" from an Atlanta hotel.

Photos of Matt Hardy and Reby Sky ->



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