NWA Historic Event, Big Scott Hall Meets with Whom, Training Facility Moving

18:09 Publicado por Mario Galarza

World X-treme Wrestling is an organization that is owned and operated by WWE Hall of Famer Afa Anoa’i. They just released a new video that promotes their upcoming event titled X-Treme Warfare. View it here: http://wrestling911.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5798 That event will be on April 30th in Minneola, FL.

Big Scott Hall and Larry Zbyszko sat down in early April and watched their WCW match. Scott Hall recorded the commentary for an April 3rd edition of Last Call with Scott Hall. Watch it here: http://wrestling911.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5795

New Florida Wrestling, which has a TV show every Friday night in Tampa, is moving from Plant City to a larger facility in Lakeland. They run a training school in Florida, and you can contact them for training at newfloridawrestling@yahoo.com

Pro Wrestling Fusion, which is part of the NWA, is putting together a huge event in Jacksonville on April 23rd. It will feature The Sheik, Colt Cabana, Craig Classic and the Dark City Fight club. This is the first time all three NWA titles will be defended on one show in three years. Details are here: http://wrestling911.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5765

MarcusPitt.com released their full Florida Top 100 list this week. Mr. Pitt is asking volunteers to help him compile a top 100 wrestlers of the last 50 years. You can contact him if you are interested. View the list here: http://www.marcuspitt.com/2011/04/floridas-top-100-wrestlers-51-to-100/

If you are interested in reading an interview with indy wrestler Gus Money, you can read his new one here: http://www.marcuspitt.com/2011/03/the-one-and-only-gu-money/

Source: wrestlinginc.com

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