**SPOILERS** WWE Superstars Results For Thursday

11:39 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Credit: Pwinsider.com

WWE Superstars:

*Drew McIntyre defeated JTG.

*Yoshi Tatsu v. Tyson Kidd. Yoshi got a good pop. Kidd got booed. Chants of "Yoshi" early on. Mat wrestling with Kidd working the arm. Yoshi counters then the two do a series of counters. Crowd is hot. The "Ryder" crowd is chanting "USA"... That's funny because Yoshi is billed from Japan and Kidd from Canada. Brawl on the outside. Kidd hit a nice flapjack into the apron from the outside. Kidd get some heel heat from crowd. Kidd works Yoshi. Crowd is hot for Yoshi. Kidd hit a nice low dropkick to the back of the head on a seated Tatsu. While Kidd wears down Tatsu with a necklock, crowd chants "Let's go Yoshi". Yoshi hits a counter. They do the both men down, red counts spot. Yoshi gets back up first wit a series of chops and a dropkick. Near fall. Yoshi goes to the top, Kidd shoves him, crouching Tatsu. Kidd hit a top rope huracarana. Two count. Kidd goes for the Sharpshooter but Yoshi counters. Kidd goes for a springboard, Tatsu moves and hits the kick to the head for the pin. Tatsu celebrates.

*Santino Marella v. Ted DiBiase. Santino got a great pop. Bigger than Mark Henry's earlier. No one cared about Ted. Stalling. Santino offers a handshake, Ted rejects. Crowd roars with boos. The two had a decent match. Ended with the Cobra. Crowd loved Santino.

Source: wrestlinginc.com

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