Update of Mick Foley & WWE, WWE held two returns the raw secret

22:33 Publicado por Mario Galarza

-WWE made all that possible Monday to keep secret the arrivals of CM Punk and Jim Ross before its return to air on TV both were kept away from all over the world and both were sent to different hotels to ensure that people don't see. Ross and Punk also remained outside the building until it was time for his return.

RAW this week dropped to a sixth and final screenplay, none of which had the JR and Punk returns it.

-As regards Mick Foley and WWE, The Wrestling Observer reports that the two sides are talking about and most expected some kind of agreement that eventually became.

Foley was asked by a fan on Twitter today if he would consider to be a WWE again. Foley replied: "Sure, I - I'm thinking right now."

Foley also asked fans whether they had heard any good fight rumors lately, possibly in response to reports that saw recordings of SmackDown tonight in Philadelphia. The observer added that Foley was scheduled to be in Philadelphia last night but I have not confirmed.

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Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Source: lordsofpain.net

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