New Jack goes nuts on Terri Runnels - HUCH

22:40 Publicado por Mario Galarza

WWE news and wrestling news - - wrestlingHome of WZR TwitterWZR FacebookWZR YouTubecolumns archive media centre Headlines ArchiveStaffPrivacy directive home new Jack going on Terri Runnels nuts YikesLast updated on Friday, 15 July 2011Written by Ryan ClarkFriday, July 15 2011

New Jack posted a malicious polemics to his Facebook account in response to former partner Terri Runnels condemn him online for according to numerous colleagues, who distributed it under contract and a sexually transmitted disease in the wrestling industry

New Jack says in the blog post, that know the Terri the world is much different than the person that he treated. He throws the former WWE Diva party a sexually transmitted disease, prescription pain relievers to abuse and is a bipolar alcoholic. He also says, resident of Florida is facing foreclosure.

Below is the post in its entirety:


Says in response to Terri Runnels and the garbage

1. I went Terri, because it is a bi-polar alcoholics, who every morning at 5: 30 gets to a very stiff vodka and Cranberry…... EVERY MORNING!

2. is addicted to PERCS, BAD!

(3) it is very large liar, and Terri Runnels, you (the world), is quite different from that I had to deal with. Not this sweet innocent girls who claims it to be.

4. your House is in foreclosure (public record) and there for 2 years and she thought I was gonna be their Savior.

5. She wants no man. She want a Butler or drivers.

6. She had an online party brought her daughter for Christmas without him to check out. (WHICH IS KIND OF PARENT ELEMENTS, THE)

.. BUT is a THE MAIN reasons that I found out (the hard way), that she had HERPES since she was 18 and had unprotected SEX hide people WHILE HAVING no problems. I WAIT ON MY TEST RESULTS...(CURRENT MOTORWAY)

YOU trust me, the DIES much bigger than the INTERNET!


Are interested in that, you can here the former couple at a better time to see.

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