TNA iMPACT Wrestling Results 09/22/11

4:11 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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Credit: Stuart Carapola from

We open the show with a video package looking at the history of the Hulk Hogan-Sting feud over the last year leading into Sting earning a match with Hogan at Bound For Glory by beating Ric Flair last week. We then head to the arena where Sting comes skipping down to the ring with a contract in his hand, and he talks about how he beat Flair and will now get to fight Hogan, who he calls out to the ring. Hogan comes out and says the match isn't going to happen and he isn't medically cleared to wrestle. Sting literally throws himself on the mat and starts kicking his feet while laughing, then plays the video of the time a few weeks ago when Hogan beat Sting senseless with a chair. Hogan is mad he played the footage, but Sting says that's proof that Hogan still has it. Hogan still refuses to wrestle Sting at Bound For Glory, so Sting says to forget Bound For Glory and just fight him right now. Hogan backs off and Eric Bischoff comes out asking Sting who he thinks he's talking to and starts ranting and raving at him, so Sting just turns around and punches him in the face. Sting gets in Hogan's face and says there will be a match at Bound For Glory and there's nothing Hogan can do about it.

Karen Jarreyy is backstage telling Brooke Tessmacher and Mickie James that they're facing off tonight in the Knockouts Challenge, and tells Brooke that she doesn't want to see any of that erotic stripping tonight. She then tells Tracy to cover up her boobs because she's not running a ho house. Frankie Kazarian comes in to lead his wife away and calls Karen a madam who's only worth fifty cents an hour. Karen flips her lid and calls Jeff on her cell phone as we go to commercial.

Jeff Hardy is backstage, and he's...WALKING!

Time for our opening match...

Knockouts Challenge Opening Round Match: Brooke Tessmacher vs Mickie James

They fight over a wristlock, Mickie takes Tessmacher down with a headlock so Tessmacher drills her with a pair of forearms. Mickie responds with a snapmare into a dropkick, but Tessmacher surprises her again with a victory roll for 2, then knocks Mickie into the corner and grinds her ass into her face. Mickie looks really pissed off, and takes her head off with a pair of clotheslines, then hits a flapjack. One leaping DDT later and Mickie advances.

Winner: Mickie James

HARDCORE COUNTRY! We go out to the parking lot where Mexican America is talking about getting tattoos. They hop into their lowrider pickup truck and drive off.

Al Snow is backstage telling Jeff Hardy that he respects him apologizing and asking for forgiveness, and he appreciates him making the effort. He tells Jeff not to make the same mistake and to start at the top with his apologies andwork his way down.

X-Division Title Match: Austin Aries vs Jesse Sorensen

Aries easily outwrestles Sorensen to start, and Sorensen starts to fire back but Aries rolls out to the floor and...runs around with a football a fan gave him. Sorensen baseball slides Aries from the inside and then wipes him out with a slingshot dive. Kid Kash comes out, distracting Sorensen as he comes off the top with a flying bodypress for 2. They have a little bit of miscommunication on whatever they tried next, but Sorensen started firing away without slowing down to panic. Sorensen dropkicks Aries as he comes off the second rope, then gets his boot up when Aries tries the IED and Aries rolls out to the floor. Sorensen gets into it with Kid Kash, who shoves the football at him, but Sorensen throws the football at Kash and they go face to face and Aries hits the IED from behind and rolls Sorensen up for 3.

Winner: Austin Aries

Kash tries to get into the ring to fight Sorensen and has to be held back by the referee. We then go backstage to Ken Anderson and Rob Van Dam, who I think wanted to kill each other a few months ago but are buddies now. They're facing Bully Ray and Jerry Lynn tonight and they can't wait.

We go to the tattoo parlor where Anarquia is getting ink done. The tattoo artist has another appointment, but she'll send another artist over to do the tattoo. Anarquia is scared of needles, so he asks Hernandez to pray with him. Theyh have a nice religious moment, then open their eyes just in time to see Ink Inc attack them. Jesse picks Hernandez up and throws himthrough the artist's table and asks him who the bitch is now, then we go out front where Anarquia gets his ass kicked by Shannon Moore. Anarquia tries to use one of the tattoo girls as a human shield, but she elbows him in the face and Anarquia goes back to getting beat up. They throw him over a chair and push the camera away while they forcibly tattoo him, no doubt with something embarrassing.

Matt Morgan brings Jeff Hardy into a room backstage and closes the door, then says that professionally speaking, he's pissed at Jeff for the frame of mind he showed up in on PPV, but he'd be a hypocrite if he didn't give him one more chance because he's a painkiller addict and he got one more chance. But this is just one last chance, and if Jeff screws this one up, he'll be the first one to hunt him down.

The Mystery Cameraman finds Rob Van Dam backstage where he is laying unconscious in a pile of debris like chairs and table fragments. We then go to Jeff Hardy with Kurt Angle, who says he doesn't want him here and nobody else does. Jeff asks Kurt who he is to judge him, and Kurt says he's an Olympic gold medalist and a 14 time World Champion and tells Jeff to get out of here. Kurt goes to walk off, but Jeff holds him by the arm and says Angle wants him out of here because he's the biggest threat to Angle. Angle blows him off and walks out to the ring where he invites Bobby Roode to join him. Roode comes down the entryway as we go to commercial.

We're back, and Angle congratulates Roode on making it past Frankie Kazarian, but now he's got Christopher Daniels, who took advantage of his friend just a few weeks ago. Roode says he's sacrificed everything for this business, and Angle is the greatest wrestler there ever was, but nothing is going to stop him from winning the World Title at Bound For Glory. The crowd chants "next World Champ" at Roode, but Angle says there may be one man who will stand in his way, his best friend in the business. James Storm comes out and Roode looks like he's wondering what the hell is going on. Roode and Storm go face to face and Storm says he knows Roode is thinking Immortal bought him out, but Roode knows he makes his own damn rules and he's not here to get into it with Roode, he's here to get into it with Angle. Storm says he hopes Angle is a better matchmaker than he is a beer drinker, and he says Angle should make himself against James Storm tonight. Angle asks Storm if he thinks he's going to show Angle up, and Storm says he's going to earn Angle's respect tonight because he helped build this company and it's time to get his recognition. He tells Angle to get his gear on and says he's sorry about Angle's damn luck.

Bully Ray & Jerry Lynn vs Mr Anderson & Nobody

Looks like the doctor in the back wouldn't let RVD wrestle, so Anderson's going it alone. Anderson and Bubba start, but Bubba tags right out to Lynn and Anderson starts beating up both men. Anderson with a Finlay Roll on Lynn and he goes up for the Swanton, but Bubba trips him up from the outside. Lynn chokes Anderson and then tags in Bubba, who comes in now that Anderson is down. Bubba slams Anderson and hits a big splash for 2, then gets a rear chinlock. Lynn tags in and gets a forward roll into an eye poke, then fakes going for Rolling Thunder and just stomps Anderson instead. Anderson starts fighting back against both men, hitting a spinning enziguiri to Bubba for 2. Anderson dumps Lynn to the floor and hits Bubba with the Mic Check and goes for the cover and Lynn pulls him off at 2. Bubba goes to the second rope, Anderson punches him in the nuts and gets him in a fireman's carry,but Lynn runs in and dropkicks Anderson, then distracts thereferee while Bubba nails him with the chain and gets the win.

Winners: Bully Ray & Jerry Lynn

James Storm is backstage saying he's happy for Bobby Roode, but just because he didn't win the Bound For Glory Series doesn't mean he doesn't still have plans to make trouble for Kurt Angle.

Time for our next match...well, wait a minute, Christopher Daniels comes out in his street clothes and says he hates to ruin Kurt Angle's plans, but he won't wrestle Bobby Roode tonight, and it's not because they're both members of Fortune, it's because he has nothing left to prove after he beat AJ Styles a few weeks ago. Roode's a great wrestler, but AJ is a four time World Champion and, after the way he dominated AJ, there's no point bothering with Roode. AJ Styles comes out and he doesn't look happy. AJ asks if this is a joke because Daniels takes jabs at him every time he gets a microphone in his hand. Daniels says not to worry about it, and AJ says he's over it and Daniels needs to get over it. Daniels says he proved that he's the better man, but AJ says that if he keeps bringing AJ's name up, they can have another match. Daniels says they agreed that would be the last time and Daniels has already beaten him, so- well, we never get to hear Daniels finish because AJ slaps the microphone out of his hand. They have words out of earshot for a moment and AJ goes to leave, so Daniels says he didn't know AJ was a sore loser AND a bitch. AJ's finally had enough and goes after Daniels, and security comes running in. They manage to pull them apart, but then AJ leaps over them and goes back after Daniels as we go to commercial.

We're back from commercial and Styles and Daniels are still fighting at ringside after apparently fighting off the entire security team. They fight to the back and into the Direct Auto Insurance office that's set up in the back of the building. They fight back into the ring where Kazarian finally comes in to separate them. Kazarian succeeds in calming both men down, but Daniels kicks AJ square in the nuts as soon as he lowers his guard, then heads to the back as Kazarian tends to AJ.

Kurt Angle is backstage talking about how hard he's been training, and his trainer Scott Steiner says that Angle's the greatest of all time and he's going to kick James Storm's ass.

Before the main event, we go to the locker room where Frankie Kazarian is still trying to reason with Christopher Daniels, who doesn't want to hear it. Daniels is tired of AJ overshadowing him because he's not AJ's +1, and tells Kazarian to talk to AJ because he's done talking. Kazarian goes and finds AJ, who says that's their family member right there. Kazarian says we know what he and Lisa have been through the last three years, but AJ says it's not his fault because Daniels has to run his mouth every time he gets a microphone in his hand. Kazarian says he's trying to be the voice of reason, but this is ridiculous. AJ grabs a trash can and starts to puke in it, and I know there's a joke to be made about TNA booking here, but I'll take the high road.

Instead, we go to Hogan's office where he says he's going to drop a bombshell on Sting next week, then we're off to the ring for our main event...

World Champion Kurt Angle vs James Storm

Angle shoves Storm, so Storm takes Angle down with a double leg takedown and Angle easily outwrestles Storm and forces him to go to the ropes. Angle goes for a boot to the gut, but Storm catches hit foot and clocks him, then takes Angle down with a side headlock. Angle reverses to a facelock and then rocks Storm with a European uppercut, but charges and gets backdropped to the floor. Storm goes out after Angle and rams him into the barricade, then the stairs, but Angle elbows Storm in the ribs and rams him into the steps. Angle with an overhead release suplex that drops Storm onto the entry ramp, and Storm lands with an audible thud. They head back in and try for simultaneous crossbody blocks and both go down. Storm starts firing back with right hands and hits a lungblower for 2. Angle comes out of nowhere with another overhead release suplex for 2, but Storm escapes the Angle Slam, so Angle gets the anklelock instead and Storm tries to kick his way out, but Angle maintains the hold and drags Storm back out to the middle. Storm almost taps, but rolls Angle into a victory roll for 2. Angle charges Storm in the corner and Storm dodges and Angle hits the post, then Storm rolls Angle up for 2. Storm sets up for the Last Call, but Angle blocks and hits the rolling German suplexes. Angle goes for the moonsault, Storm rolls out of the way and hits hard, and Storm heads up top. Angle goes up for the top rope belly to belly, but Storm knocks him off and hits a top rope elbow for a very close 2. Storm goes for the Eye of the Storm, but Angle slips free as Gunner runs out. Storm nails him, and Angle comes frombehind with the Angle Slam and only gets 2. Angle is shocked that Storm survived, and argues with the referee before slapping Storm around. Storm goes for the superkick but Angle moves and Storm knocks the referee out. Storm tries again and hits the superkick this time and covers, but it takes a moment for another referee to come out and make the count and Gunner pulls the second referee out at 2. Gunner lays Storm out with the belt, but Bobby Roode runs in and fights Gunner down, then turns around and surveys the situation, picks up the belt and has a staredown with Angle, and holds the belt high as Beer Money's music hits. Roode drops the belt in front of Angle and then goes to check on Storm as the show comes to a close.

Credit: Stuart Carapola from


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