WWE Doing 41 Man Battle Royal, DX Returning? Miz On Reality Show, Titan Towers Reshuffle
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- WWE are hyping a 41 Man Battle Royal for the Oct 11th, Dallas, TX Smackdown taping. They’re calling it the largest Battle Royal in WWE history, and it will feature stars from Raw and Smackdown.
A special appearance by DX is also advertised.
- The Miz will be making an appearance on the CW Network’s “H8R”, a reality show where celebrities come face to face with people who hate them. For those with US IP addresses, here is the promo:
Yes the show is obviously a work like most reality shows.
- WWE are planning to move the website, TV studio, and Magazine department all under the one roof at Titan Towers. WWE’s website and TV studio had been spread out between two buildings about a mile away from WWE headquarters. The magazine was part of publishing on the second floor and creative was located on the fourth floor of WWE headquarters, down the hall from Vince McMahon’s office. They will all now occupy the first floor, which used to be Shane McMahon’s office space.
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