Christian’s Injury, Henry Godwin Improves, Billy Graham Out of Hospital, CM Punk DVD

18:52 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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- The official diagnosis of Christian’s injury is a severe high ankle sprain, that will require at least a week or two off. This means he has been pulled from the Survivor Series PPV, where he was scheduled for the “Team Orton vs. Team Barrett” match.

- Former WWE star Mark “Henry Godwin” Canterbury is stable and has made a slight improvement following a car crash last week. He suffered two punctured lungs, thirteen broken ribs and a broken leg.

The incident happened in Lindside, West Virginia when his car came off a cliff.

- WWE Hall of Famer “Superstar” Billy Graham is now out of hospital after fighting a bout of pneumonia for several days. He is still on strong antibiotics.

- WWE are currently working on a CM Punk DVD set, scheduled for first quarter 2012 release. It will be the usual format with a documentary and series of memorable matches.


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