Daivari Denies TNA Reports, WWE Fan Damage Control, Bret’s Mania Thoughts, Extreme Rules Poster

16:36 Publicado por Mario Galarza

- Former WWE/TNA star Shawn Daivari denied reported that he has re-signed with TNA, although he did take part in a dark match at Tuesday’s Impact tapings. He defeated independent wrestler Ricky Reyes with a Death Valley Driver.

- WWE promptly went in to damage control mode after a fan was hurt at last week’s live event in Evansville, IN.

The young fan’s knee was bashed when Sheamus and Daniel Bryan hit the ring barrier. WWE did everything they could to send the him home happy, taking him backstage, meeting the wrestlers, giving him signed shirts and allowing photos.

It beats a lawsuit.

- Bret Hart’s latest blog looks at Wrestlemania:
“As for the actual line-up, it’s been a slow build for much of the card, but for the past few weeks the promos and backstage situations seemed to be rather plain and flat, totally predictable. The Undertaker and Triple H segment with Shawn Michaels played out exactly like I expected, the usual smoke blowing up the rectum stuff, more grunts and then a staring contest, thank God Shawn was there just to add something, anything to it. I suppose there isn’t much else these two legends can do as far as buildup goes but it came across to me as having little imagination, the match itself should be one of the better match ups because Taker brings it all the way for Wrestlemania and Triple H can turn it up when he wants to. Triple H has had some hard fought battles over the years, but I don’t know if he’s ever had his chance to literally blow them away at Wrestlemania but this might be his best chance. Taker, in my opinion, is truly one of the all-time best and time and time again, he has delivered the best match on the show so I expect a good solid match, old school but intense. It could steal the show.”

- Here is the promotional poster for upcoming WWE PPV Extreme Rules:

(Boddy Scanner on a pole match?)

Source: wrestlingtruth.com

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