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Trish Stratus Says John Morrison Gave Her The Cold Shoulder At WrestleMania

7:13 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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Posted in: WWE
Trish Stratus Says John Morrison Gave Her The Cold Shoulder At WrestleMania
By Daniel Pena
Apr 8, 2011 - 5:18:41 PM Former WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus is on a promotional tour this weekend promoting the much anticipated release of Ball Enforcers. She appeared on the Busted Open satellite show this morning and notably confirmed reports that John Morrison gave her the cold shoulder during their post-match celebration at WrestleMania XXVII. She also confirmed reports that he passed over suggestions she had for working together.

Highlights are as follows:

On John Cena’s persona, and could she teach him how to wrestle? "Yeah because he has no idea right? I mean if he could only learn how to wrestle he’d really learn how to come along in this business. So you would like to have his character developed further. You would like to get to know him a little bit more? Maybe that’s all he’s got. What can I say?"

On working with Snooki: "The first move she ever did when she was on Raw that one time was a ‘crotch drop,’ and then she did the ‘butt bump’ (at Wrestlemania). It works. It’s kind of cool because this is what I do as a tough enough trainer. I had to access these kids. Right? So I had to say what is your athletic background? If you’re an athlete? Boom. You’re already in. That’s the first thing I look for. Forget the charisma because I’ll see if that’s there, but initially I need to know in order to do what we need to do in this business you need to be an athlete.

"Number one she told me she came from a cheerleading background as well as being a gymnast. A partier does not qualify. Well you know we went to New Jersey her and I. Yeah so I saw the New Jersey side of things. Pretty interesting. She had some moves. The ‘bitch slap.’ I don’t know if that’s really a move, but that works, but that’s what I had to do. I had to access what she can do. Basically we play up her strengths. We play up what she can do.

"She did this crazy triple Lindy back flip thing. That worked awesome. I think she surprised everyone. I tell you the coolest thing that Snooki went out there and the fans did not like her. She’s on the good guys’ side and they booed the heck out of her. She just took it in though. The minute she did those flips the crowd was like 'that’s cool.' Okay, we’re down with that. So she swerved 70,000 fans in an instant, which is pretty awesome."

Trish Stratus on John Morrison snubbing her at Wrestlemania: "I got a bit of cold shoulder action, correct. John Morrison himself is amazing. He’s a great athlete. I was really looking forward to working with him. I thought it would be cool if we could do some stuff together. He didn't think it would be that cool. It happens.

"Hey whatever. It happens. You know he's into his thing and just didn’t think that I should part of his thing I guess, but I still admire him as an athlete, as a performer. I think he does a great job out there. Cold shoulder? Yeah I felt it. I was shunned. Some people are not smart maybe? You know they wrestle well, but maybe they’re not smart. I don’t know.”

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Source: lordsofpain.net

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