The Silver Wrestling Report: WWE Night of Champions 2011

2:17 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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It has been another busy weekend for this writer so here is this week edition of the Silver Wrestling Report.  In honour of last night’s WWE PPV, this edition of the Silver Report will be all about WWE Night of Champions 2011. 

In this very article, I will not be talking about what happened in the CM Punk vs. Triple H match.  Need to see what happens on Raw tonight with the WWE’s biggest storyline before this writer gives his analysis.  There will definitely be a story on the continued saga between the Voice of the Voiceless and the COO of the WWE on next week’s edition of the Silver Report. 

Now let us rundown the biggest new in the Wonderful World of Professional Wrestling.

john cena and alberto del rio 300x156 The Silver Wrestling Report: WWE Night of Champions 2011
Super Cena Signals the Burial of Alberto Del Rio

For weeks on end, John Cena and WWE Creative made Alberto Del Rio look pathetic.  He was booked to be cowardly heel champion, but Cena took it to a new level by completely burying the WWE Champion every promo he did during the build-up for Night of Champions. 

The final nail in Del Rio’s coffin was last night in Buffalo when Del Rio dropped the WWE Championship to Super Cena to the dismay of majority of wrestling fans.  In one month, the WWE completely destroyed Alberto Del Rio’s main event status, something that took them about a year to build. 

Also they crushed the credibility of the WWE Championship.  Does anybody actually care about the WWE Championship?  With Cena’s umpteenth WWE Title win, the title has been made to look like a trinket that changes hands almost every PPV. 

The great times of this past summer seem to be over and the WWE has gone back to their old disappointing ways. After this debacle, the WWE really needs to go into damage control and fix the damage they caused to both Alberto Del Rio and the WWE Championship before it becomes irreversible.

natayla and beth phoenix 300x157 The Silver Wrestling Report: WWE Night of Champions 2011
The Divas of Doom Storyline Undermined Yet Again

Going into Night of Champions, Beth Phoenix looked like she would definitely beat that Barbie Doll known as Kelly Kelly for the Diva’s Championship. 

Night of Champions was Beth’s hometown and there was no way Kelly Kelly would get another fluke win over the Glamazon.  Well that did not happen as Kelly Kelly got another cheap win over Beth Phoenix.  Does WWE really want to bury Beth Phoenix or make Kelly Kelly look like better wrestler than she actually is? 

As it stands, the WWE has undermined the whole Divas of Doom storyline yet again.  There is no way fans will ever believe that Natalya and Beth Phoenix are considerable threats to the Diva’s Title or even the Diva Division if keep getting bested by Kelly Kelly and here Barbie Doll friends each and every week. 

As with the current WWE Championship, the WWE needs to figure out some way to inject some excitement into this storyline soon or fans will lose interest quick.

Randy Orton and Mark Henry 300x156 The Silver Wrestling Report: WWE Night of Champions 2011
The World’s Strongest Heavyweight Champion

If there was one thing the WWE did right at Night of Champions, and has been doing right for a long while now, it was the World Heavyweight Championship scene.  At Night of Champions, Mark Henry inducted the almost unbeatable Randy Orton into his signature Hall of Pain and won the World Heavyweight Title in the process. 

From what I have heard the match was just okay, but it was followed by an excellent promo by the newly crowned World’s Strongest Champion. 

Much unlike the WWE Championship at this point in time, the World Heavyweight Championship actually feels important and meaningful in the annals of the WWE.  Giving the title to Mark Henry should make things a little more interesting on Smackdown. 

Also combined with the incredible streak Henry has been on as of late, it should catapult the career of whoever beats Henry for the title to the stratosphere.  The World Heavyweight Title scene has continued to impress and I personally cannot wait to see what will happen next.

Thanks for reading and feel free to recommend this article on Facebook/Twitter, I’ll be back next Monday with the next edition of the Sliver Wrestling Report.

The Silver Wrestling Report: WWE Night of Champions 2011 By: AJ Silver

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