Host City For The 2012 Royal Rumble Revealed, Mason Ryan Comments On Return

5:10 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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-- In an interview with, Mason Ryan comments on his return to Raw after been sidelined since June due to injury.

"I've been training very hard, but being out through injuries is a tough thing for anyone because you obviously want to be in the ring competing," Ryan said. "Being out of action made me even more focused than I was before to come back and be a bigger, better, stronger, faster and all around better Mason Ryan."

-- A fan asked Randy Orton during his autograph signing on Monday at Slackers CD and Games in Hazelwood, Missouri if the 2012 Royal Rumble would take place in St. Louis, Missouri: he replied yes. Security personnel, however, told Orton that it was merely a "strong rumor."

Video of the encounter can be accessed here.

*VIDEO* CM Punk pays tribute to Eddie Guerrero ->


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