WWE Raw 10 03 11 October 03 2011

18:51 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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A preview of the Monday Night WWE Raw 10 03 11 October 03 2011 Supershow, as we experience the fallout from the recent Hell in a Cell PPV where a large angle took place in the last 10 minutes. This will also begin the buildup toward the next PPV in 3 weeks, which is WWE Vengeance 2011. We will have the WWE Raw 10 03 11 October 03 2011 Results shortly after the broadcast.

This evening, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is live from Lafayette, Louisiana for another edition of Monday Night RAW.
WWE Raw October 03 2011 171x300 WWE Raw 10 03 11 October 03 2011
So far nothing has been confirmed for the WWE Raw 10 03 11 October 03 2011 show. But you can count on the so-called “fall-out” of the Hell in a Cell PPVs. Moreover, the SmackDown Superstars will be part of the broadcast, under the Raw Supershow concept.

Locally a match between Alberto Del Rio and John Cena for the WWE Title is advertised and this will probably be only a dark match.

After Alberto Del Rio won the WWE title for a second time, the recently fired Miz and R-Truth went into the cage. The second WWE title win by Alberto Del Rio were overshadowed by the rapid events after the main event.

Already at the beginning of the Hell In A Cell PPV event, the Miz and Rtruth had show up with spectator tickets, only to be sent away after John Laurinaitis and a “security force” appeared.

But apparently Miz and Rtruth could count on the help of an ally in the backstage area. After the main event nobody could prevent them from entering the cage, where they attacks the three participants in the Main Event (Cena, Punk and Alberto Del Rio With steel pipes,and the referee plus camera operators who had the misfortune to have been locked in a cage with them.

WWE Raw 10 03 11 October 03 2011 – Will We See Triple H Fired From WWE COO Position?

The entire WWE locker room, led by Triple H, meanwhile, tried in vain for several minutes to come from outside the cell. Using a bolt cutter they were able to broke the door lock. Then cops arrive to have Miz and Truth arrested without resistance in handcuffs.

However Triple H attacked both men in a rage of anger, despite the fact that Miz and Rtruth could not resist any longer because of their shackles. John Laurinaitis wanted to hold back the WWE COO, but also received a punch.

It would seem that there is a group of conspirators behind the scenes who want to remove Triple H from his role as WWE COO. The power struggle has also seen the The WWE title change hand numerous times amid the chaos. How will Triple H attempt to regain control and order back in the company?
WWE Raw 10 03 11 WWE Raw 10 03 11 October 03 2011
WWE Raw 10 03 11 October 03 2011 – Alberto Del Rio WWE Champion Again

On Sunday for the fifth time since mid-July, a new WWE Champion was crowned. Just two weeks after his historic tenth title win at Night of Champions, John Cena was dethroned again.

His predecessor was here his successor, Alberto Del Rio outlast the two other men in the steel construction. This means Alberto Del Rio returns to Mexico next week as WWE Champion.

In the final phase of an intensive match, Alberto Del Rio was able to successfully lock John Cena outside the steel cage and then nail CM Punk with a steel pipe and therefore became the second time WWE Champion.

WWE Raw 10 03 11 October 03 2011 – Beth Phoenix WWE Divas Champion For The First Time

The former 3 time WWE Women Champion defeat Kelly Kelly with the help of Natayla to win her first Divas Championship. The Divas of Doom (Natalya and Beth Phoenix) promise to usher in a new era for the WWE Divas Division after an 2 month struggle to dethrone Kelly Kelly.

WWE Raw 10 03 11 October 03 2011 – Mark Henry World Heavyweight Championship Reign Continues

The World Strongest Man will find out his next opponent after retaining against Randy Orton inside Hell In A Cell. Will the Viper get another title shot or will a new challenger emerge from the Smackdown roster?

WWE Raw October 03 2011 10 03 11 – Sin Cara and Sin Cara

After the battle of the 2 Sin Caras saw the original Sin Cara Mistico victorious, will the fake Sin Cara continue his challenge to claim the identity of the mask? The saga continues this week on WWE TV.

Plus in two bonuses match at the PPV, Cody Rhodes classic WWE Intercontential Championship was defended against John Morrison and Air Boom defeat Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler in a tag team match.

Of course the question on everybody’s mind, will we see Rtruth, The Miz and Kevin Nash appear on Raw to form their rumored NWO group?

WWE Raw 10 03 11 October 03 2011 Results – Triple H attempt to restore control and order after losing his temper at Hell In A Cell 2011.

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