IN terms of LAIMAN: tweet this

5:59 Publicado por Mario Galarza

IN terms of LAIMAN Facebook page
Facebook page of Alexander Goodlive author
Weary of hope

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IN terms of LAIMAN: tweet this

A few weeks ago... Or a month... Or any amount of time, I'm too lazy to look it up, I had a bit of a Twitter complaint in one of my columns. Professor Hall even requested a copy on video, which gave me an opportunity to swear to a camera. Now I know how rare of an occasion that is, so it'll have to take with me here. At that point of time, Twitter handles had begun to appear the names of wrestlers during his entrance. Whom he met in a short period of time, but has been much it, that things would be much worse? Yes, I'm writing an entire column about this.

Before turning to my personal feelings about Twitter, let me say that I get to embrace the social media is a good way to allow its roots to become a participant. The problem, however, is for those of us who decides to refrain grammatical abortion of textspeak reference of 140 characters, hash-tag carried out there, the product is wasting our time. It was one thing that he would only announce how to follow during the show, but now is being more important than wrestling is alienating the portion of the audience that does not give you a fix on Twitter... For example, tell me!

Last night, I saw the show in DVR and still had trouble staying awake. The height of my fun was marked a CM Punk is face didn't impress when Michael Cole was talking with him. But something strange happened last night, apart from another feud announcer taking too long for any particular purpose, and making me happy was at work while he was wrestling was interrupted Monday night Twitter.

One of my favorite authors returned last night, but Twitter made sure not to let the focus shifted from social media! A small table in the corner of the screen ensured to warn that "Mick Foley" was now trend on Twitter. Then when he left Mick Foley, he made sure to talk about Twitter. The Rock and John Cena made sure to put the next tag team match as secondary to his references of Twitter and what was trends. Michael Cole was read his Twitter rather than doing your fucking job and call the match. Returning from the commercial break, I was treated to a statistic of the utmost importance of a bitch: The Rock has more followers on Twitter than John Cena.

Excuse me for a second, this is about to move from one column to a full complaint...


It is getting fucking ridiculous! There was more Twitter that fight last night, and the rate of exponential saturation, I live fight is going to turn into a crowd of 15,000 people in the sand with their smartphones to Tweet wrestlers instead of having them fucking reality wrestling!

By the way, do 38,000 of you actually take the time and the effort to go, "Wow, you know that black hole of charisma that sounds like he is swallowing a porcupine that appears on my TV every week"? "I want really to see what he has to say in 140 characters on Twitter!" 38,000 of you! Would even The Miz say, "Really"?

Some of us really want to write in complete sentences. Some of us really like language gave us and prefer not to turn it into a language that makes my brain explode when someone passes by the vocal effort vocally saying "L - L", apparently without being aware that L - L instead of laughing, saying is fucking lie because if they were laughing out loud, you don't have to say it because I have whore of shorthand text messages heard it, idiot!

Now, some of you may think I'm going a bit Gran Torino - "Get off my lawn" here, but I know that I cannot be the only annoying thing as hell Twitter is having on Monday Night RAW. I think that some people have even Twitter are getting fed up with her. The show is increasingly more focused on what it is trend and that is saying that the fight in the ring, and perhaps in a few months while fans Tweet with the fighters, the same fighters come to the ring and Tweet their movements to obtain "armbar" trends. Who can get their fastest trends movement wins the match! Well, if it is an overwhelming victory, which I will continue to post match attack!

"Ohmygod, King!" Do you have seen John dinner Tweet # ExtraAttitudeAdjustment there? Did it so fast that Mason Ryan # RYANSMASHTHINGS Tweet who won an additional adjustment of attitude by 84.000! It's so incredible! The aspect of face of Mason Ryan as feels extra digital adjustment of attitude while he is only there in confusion looking phone that do not attract you as many spectators next week! What an episode of Monday Night Raw for Twitter! "

While both, several places in the series, Zack Ryder continues confused me with how pumping fist and saying "Woo Woo Woo" made him popular. Still don't get me it.

Look, I'm not saying that I am half antisocial. I have a show to plug, books for sale and this column to share. But this column is usually professional wrestling. What if every week, I published a column that was going to be about wrestling, but instead wrote a 75 per cent of my column about the Civil War?

Yes, I say this seriously. What happens if you click column link of the in Laiman terms, presented a title implying "much struggle will be discussed in the form of column", but instead find fighting free discussion, you, I was explaining the winter of Falmouth after accusations has failed at altitudes of Fredericksburg Marye, and General Ambrose Burnside became a punchline?just as Alberto del Rio will become a perforation line when he lost to CM Punk? 75% of my column dedicated to something that many people don't understand and has nothing to do with the fight, but a reference thinly veiled wrestling scattered throughout? That's what I feel to 75 per cent of Monday Night Raw is on Twitter.

And I can say this in less than 140 characters: Fuck you Twitter, die in a fire

Ooh, is # DieInAFire trends now? DOES WHOM BITCH HIM MATTER?

Shirtless of Doom today, I am too annoying. Insert clever closing phrase here.


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