RAW classifications: Strong valuation, time end falls back

5:16 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Scores are in edition of "RAW gets struck" 3 hours of WWE RAW Monday.

The 3-hour broadcast drew a rating 3.25 with an average of 4,74 million viewers. The last two hours (usual hours of premium) made a strong rating 3.37 (4.95 million viewers), in recent weeks. Here are the numbers per hour:

Viewers of the time 1: 4.31 million.
Viewers of hour 2: 5.00 million.
Viewers of the time 3: 4,91 million.

Again, for the ninth time in 12-week, bonuses lost hearing in the final hour.

USA Network Executive Ted Linhart tweeted the following about the qualifications of RAW on Monday:

"Key 18-49 demo 8. 00 pm: = 2 to 1 M (best 20: 00 one hour Raw from June 09) 9: 00 pm = 2 55 M (best from May) 10. 00 pm: = 2 to 6 M (better since April)..." Complete program Raw = 2.44 M Q18 - 49 & 4.7 m total viewers than USA # 1 cable ent. "NET by large margins, attracts more men than some bdcasters."

* JEFF HARDY debuts new ALIEN MASK (see here)

(Sources: TVBythenumbers.com, PWTorch.com)

Source: lordsofpain.net

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