Orton Being Held Back? Rock Didn’t Get Fined, RVD Interview Highlights, Over The Limit Poster

17:35 Publicado por Mario Galarza

In an interview with the PWTorch former WWE creative team member John Piermarini said Randy Orton is being held back:

“Randy Orton would have been the perfect adversary for “Stone Cold” Steve Austin in the Attitude Era. I think he would have worked great there. I think he can work now, I just think Randy Orton is almost – the way we wanted to do it was, “Look, the kids have got John Cena and the 18-year-olds have Randy Orton.” The thing is, what really made Stone Cold work was Stone Cold did things you wanted to do but you never could. You almost lived through Stone Cold. Randy – and it’s not his fault because it’s us not giving it to him – but Randy doesn’t have the chance to do that. Randy has done amazing with his character and I’m amazed with Randy almost every single week. I wish we gave him more to work with to really sort of get him into that creative sort of bad-ass yet PG Stone Cold. By no means do we want to make him Stone Cold Steve Austin, but that’s what made Stone Cold cool was doing those things, driving the beer truck. I wish they would give him things to do like that.”

- The Rock was asked on Twitter if he got fined for swearing on WWE TV. He said:
“Why would I get fined by WWE? I never said b—–s or ass, I said sumb—–s and candy ass, big difference.”

- RVD was recently interviewed by The UK Sun about working for TNA. He said:
“Man, I love TNA! It’s a wonderful place to work. Something WWE never let me do were acting jobs, they turned them down for me. But now I’ m in a situation where I can do these things.”

“WWE just didn’t see the potential of these opportunities and they really ruined my chances back then. I was in some very good places and they just blew it for me, by refusing point blank to negotiate anything.”

“Whereas Dixie Carter lets us explore our possibilities and gives us that chance. Her philosophy is that our extended profile helps TNA enhance its own, and of course it does.”

“It’s so different to how Vince McMahon runs his company. At this stage of my career they take so much better care of me, than the WWE ever did at any point. I’d go as far as to say I mean more to TNA than I ever did in WWE.”

- Here is the promotional poster for upcoming WWE PPV Over The limit:

Source: wrestlingtruth.com

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