Snooki’s Training, Triple H To Change HOF Format, Rock Closing Mania? Miz and Piper On Jimmy Kimmel

15:32 Publicado por Mario Galarza

- During an interview with the Hollywood Reporter Snooki discussed training to wrestle:
“It kind of came naturally to me. I did gymnastics for eight years, and I have been cheerleading since middle school. I am going to rehearse this weekend for Mania and will incorporate my gymnastics skills…When they gave me this opportunity, I started watching it again to see what I would do and what’s happening,. And I really enjoyed it.”

She was loudly booed at the Wrestlemania press conference.

- One of Triple H’s personal goals for when he takes over from Vince is to make the Hall of Fame more legitimate. In other words no pointless celebrities average mid card fillers. It is also likely that a physical Hall of Fame museum will be created.

- In an interview with MTV The Rock seemed to tease that he’d be closing Wrestlemania. He said:
“Like with any show, like with any movie, you want to make sure the final five, 10 minutes of the show are worth every penny.”

- Here is the video of “Rowdy” Roddy Piper & The Miz on Jimmy Kimmel Live:


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