Former WCW in the hospital, TNA sign Rookie, Linda REC file report, Melina schools on

12:57 Publicado por Mario Galarza

-Former WCW star Lodi has posted a YouTube video of the hospital. The info box reads:
"A ring post, a concrete floor, an ambulance ride and 8 Staples later..." It seems to have been an accident at work at an Indy event.

-After destination X TNA boy signed allegedly star Shiima Xion to a contract. He is by the name of Zema ion in TNA.

-Linda McMahon has its Federal Electoral Commission report for the 2010 Senate campaign submitted. It is little more than $112,000 remain spent $ 50 million.

-WWE Diva Melina has posted a blog on creative task for their poor heel turn:

"It is a mystery to me why I turned heel," Melina wrote. "You have no idea how many people don't even know if I am good or bad, since they can not really be certain." "Without explanation or a history of how is a person to know?"

She continued "Wrestling is an art." Magic can create learned to develop the characters and tell the story through wrestling, as well as in promo and backstage segments. "Since I've wrestled at raw in Monate… not (Note: Melina of these days wrote before their match with Kelly Kelly for raw) I will write the history and see where we can go from there."


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