Backstage News from This Week's RAW, WWE Not Wanting Fans to Boo Triple H

18:56 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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- As noted before, Vince McMahon was in a very bad mood at RAW two weeks ago in Cleveland, Ohio. Some speculated that what set Vince off was when Alberto Del Rio name-dropped him in a promo. Sources say that while Vince was absolutely mad at Del Rio for the promo, he was mad at everyone in general and didn't treat Del Rio any worse than other people.

The promo that mentioned Vince by name actually was approved by McMahon himself and others in charge. Vince didn't want his name mentioned on TV until he returns as the idea is for people to think he's gone for good, so when he does re-appear it will be a surprise. Vince felt that Del Rio ruined that.

Vince's name was originally put in the promo to establish Triple H as not being an emissary of Vince's and to get him over as a babyface. There was a fear that because Punk is so over with the fans, people were booing Triple H and officials didn't want that.

WWE producer Kevin Dunn was also in a bad mood but it's said when Vince is that upset and takes it out on Dunn, he gets in that mood also.

Things were reportedly way better at this week's RAW. Word is that Vince and Dunn both thought Michael Cole's line about Jerry Lawler having anal bleeding was one of his funniest lines. They were even happier when the term "anal bleeding" was trending on Twitter.

What's Planned for Vince's Return, Future Feuds for Triple H Revealed and More...

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


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