More on the Recent WWE Office Changes, Main Event Discussed for WWE Vengeance

20:40 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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- As we have noted before, there have been recent shake-ups with the WWE creative team, and the WWE Magazine. All three will soon be working under one umbrella and at the same location. WWE's website and TV studio had been spread out between two buildings about a mile away from WWE headquarters. The magazine was part of publishing on the second floor and creative was located on the fourth floor of WWE headquarters, down the hall from Vince McMahon's office.

They all will now be on the first floor, which used to be Shane McMahon's floor before he left. Everyone with the exception of Brian Gewirtz, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon will be working from there. The move is scheduled to gradually take place from this fall until early 2012.

- At one point in the past week, the idea for the main event at WWE's Vengeance pay-per-view was John Cena vs. CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Kevin Nash in a four-way, but that will likely change. We noted earlier that WWE has a CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio singles feud penciled in for this year.

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Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


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