Impact Rating, Daniel Bryan On A&E, Steve Austin On John Cena, Politician Praises WWE

0:25 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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- This week’s episode of Impact Wrestling on Spike TV drew a 1.14 rating.

- WWE star Daniel Bryan will be appearing on A&E’s “Disaster Guy” today at at Noon ET. The show focuses on Steve Frasher, who has spent a lifetime rebuilding houses that the elements have destroyed..

Tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and fires are no match for Steve.

- Steve Austin shared his thoughts on John Cena during a recent interview with the UK Daily Star:
“When I look at that company right now, John Cena is the guy who anchors it all. Some people get mad because they feel like WWE shove it down your throat, but he’s the main guy! Whether you love to hate him or you love to love him – you gotta respect him.

“I have a lot of respect for John – he’s been carrying the company for several years and he comes into work every day with a smile on his face and does all the promotional work and never complains.

“If you’re going to have him chase you must have a heel worthy of chasing – no disrespect to Del Rio – but Cena is so far higher up on that ladder. Unless you give him a viable heel to chase he should have the belt.

“I tell you John Cena has had some great matches with some great guys – sometimes his body of work gets overlooked, the guy has proven himself over and over again. I call a spade a spade and John has done a tremendous job and he’s got a few years left yet. He’ll keep riding that lightening bolt.

“All those young guys do not have the experience, have not had the maturation process – if I was new guy in that company I’d be charging forward trying to take the bull by the horns.”

- Press Release:
Linda Sánchez, a member of the United States House of Representatives from California’s 39th congressional district, recently addressed the U.S. Congress about the problems of school violence and bullying, and cited the be a STAR alliance as a positive teaching aid in schools. Her remarks were recorded in the Sept. 15 edition of the Congressional Record.

“Through its participation and leadership in the [be a STAR] alliance, WWE has demonstrated a real commitment to raise awareness about bullying, and is working in local communities around the country and overseas to combat bullying in our schools,” Sánchez said in the Congressional Record, which is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress.

“Bullying is not a rite of passage and no child should be afraid to go to school. An unsafe school environment, including one made unsafe by daily bullying and harassment, leads to increased absences and decreased graduation rates,” she told Congress.


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