JBL talks about return to WWE, most recent Video Show of Zack Ryder

6:27 Publicado por Mario Galarza

-Zack Ryder is back with another installment of his Z! Video series true story of Long Island. Show this week includes material of what happened after Monday's RAW went off the air, when he returned to the ring after the strike and joined Triple H in the ring.

-Former WWE superstar John Bradshaw Layfield has published a new discussion on his Facebook page, replying to the question, said that he wondered more on Facebook and Twitter - if he can never return to WWE. Here is what he said:

Does "return to the WWE"? I doubt it, but you never know. I'm not looking for a job and not ask again for what has not reached me. I have had to retire due to injuries, and Yes, the second 23 match with King at Wrestlemania was my idea - in this moment in my career because of injuries could not have had any kind of actual combat.

"I was so wounded at that time that literally could not walk anywhere in the distance and do not have the ability to develop." I hated being away form and realized of was tired of smoke and mirrors to hide my inadequacies - I didn't want to be one of those old guys that they had long and was in danger of turning in, exactly.

"It takes more than two full years, but currently I am in better health and shape, I've been in more than one decade.

JBL said that he is currently training for the New York City Marathon in November, and then plans to climb the highest volcano in the world (Ecuador) in February. To read his full blog update, please click here.

* Details of WWE's CHRIS JERICHO back & WWE 2 stars snares MEGA obtain soon

Source: lordsofpain.net

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