Triple h comments of crude Monday, "Solidarity Rally" to be held prior to the Show

7:21 Publicado por Mario Galarza

In the light of news that WWE Triple H COO has promised not step down running the Supershow Raw, Christian has led an effort by several superstars, Divas, referees, announcers, and members of the crew to travel Monday to Oklahoma City and organize a "solidarity Rally" in the parking lot behind the scenes of the Arena of Chesapeake Energy before the show. The contingent, consisting of those who left Triple H this past Monday night, say that cannot return to the raw Supershow or enter the premises to perform until Triple H resignation to control.

Triple h said earlier in a video interview that John Cena, Randy Orton, Sheamus, CM Punk and Big Show will be main transmission on Monday night.

"Apart from that, I could not have arbitrators could lack announcers, might lack doing." Frankly, I do not know what will happen, "said." "We will see what we happened on Monday." Hell, they could show all above and not let anyone in. "

* VIDEO * Stephanie McMahon times embarrassing->


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