Thursday, March 13, 2025

Austin Is A Broski, Flair Disses TNA, Chris Masters Update, Band Violates WWE Copyright

20:08 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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- Steve Austin rocks a Zack Ryder Broski headband on Twitter:

- Ric Flair raised a few eyebrows at the recent Gregory Helms benefit night by taking shot at TNA’s ratings. He made the joke that Mick Foley’s victory over him in TNA doesn’t count because nobody watches it.

Helms raised close to $5,500 from the evening, which featured stand-up comedy from Mick Foley and on and off from Flair. There was also a Q&A session, where Edge said he was relieved to have retired from WWE.

The event also featured TNA’s Gunner, former WCW star Lodi, ECW original C.W. Anderson and Reby Sky (Matt Hardy’s girlfriend).

- Chris Masters has launched a new website at, where he will be debuting an Internet series entitled “The Masterpiece Theater.”

Here is a preview of the show:

- Rock band “If I Had a Hi Fi” which has a song playing off a 1983 feud between Harely Race and Ric Flair entitled “Somebody Take the Damn Money,” has been forced to alter the tract due to violating WWE copyright. The song features clips from Harely Race’s promo where he put up a $25,000 bounty for anyone who could take out Ric Flair. This is part of WWE’s extensive tape library.


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