Steve Austin Says He Could Wrestle A Full-Time Schedule If He Wanted To

20:49 Publicado por Mario Galarza

In an interview with Comcast's XfinityTV to promote the new season of Tough Enough, WWE Hall of Famer "Stone Cold" Steve Austin dropped a very newsworthy quote - saying his body is in good enough shape that he could actually get back in the ring and wrestle a full-time schedule for about two more years. You can read the full interview here.

Here are some highlights of what Austin said about:

Nexus Leader CM Punk: " I really like C.M. Punk. I think he’s one of the top workers in the ring. I love his promos. I love his style. There’s no smoke and mirrors. I like the straight-edge lifestyle stuff he does. You want to start pairing that against the beer-guzzling “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, I think you’d have an interesting feud to say the least. He would push me to the limits, I would teach that kid a thing or two, and there would be some wonderful promos going back and forth. I like him a lot.

How Physical He Got While Shooting Tough Enough: "One of the kids was pretty mechanically inclined, so I got in there with him…and shoot, I guess that means I haven’t been in the ring in seven or eight years…but I took a few bumps from him, gave him a few bumps, it was a lot of fun. I think if we do it again, I think I’ll be even more active and get in the ring a lot more."

A Possible Return to the Ring: " I could still, you know if I was in a bad situation, I could still get two years out of my carcass on a full-time basis." He then added, " But I’m happy where I’m at. And in ten or twenty years I still want to be doing the things I’m doing with my hunting and fishing. I want to continue to do that in a pain-free fashion. And right now I’m living a pretty pain-free lifestyle."


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