Stars Helping Gregory Helms, Ziggler Disses TNA, Turning Point Poster, WWE Trademarks

18:28 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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- Mick Foley, Edge, Ric Flair and others will be helping to raise funds for Gregory Helms’ medical bills by appearing at the Comedy Zone in Charlotte, NC for a money raising night. Foley will be performing his stand up comedy routine, and the others will be do signings.

Helms is recovering from a motorcycle accident a few months back.

- Dolph Ziggler wrote the following on Twitter the other night while attending the Florida Championship Wrestling developmental territory:

“off to tampa to make an IMPACT and SPIKE the ratings Friday night in Orlando for FCW!!! See the #HEEL LIVE”

- Here is the promotional poster for TNA’s Turning Point PPV:

- WWE recently trademarked the phrase “Suntan Super Man”, which R-Truth used previously in TNA.

It doesn’t mean they’ll be using the name, it could be that they’re just preventing R-Truth from using it again in the future if he ever leaves.


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